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August 15:The Feast of the Assumption of Mother Mary

Writer's picture: Louisa MastromarinoLouisa Mastromarino

The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or simply the Assumption, is a significant holy day of obligation in the Catholic Church. It celebrates the belief that the body and soul of the Virgin Mary was taken into Heaven at the end of her earthly life. This feast is celebrated annually on August 15th.

The doctrine of the Assumption was dogmatically defined by Pope Pius XII in 1950 in the apostolic constitution Munificentissimus Deus. This means the Church officially affirmed this belief as a divinely revealed truth. The Assumption is one of the four Marian dogmas of the Catholic Church, the others being the Immaculate Conception, Divine Motherhood, and Perpetual Virginity.

The belief in the Assumption of Mary has ancient roots in Christian tradition, though the details are not definitively spelled out in sacred Scripture. The earliest documents speaking of the end of Mary's earthly life come from the 4th century. These speak of the "Dormition" or "Falling Asleep" of the Virgin. Over time, the belief developed that she was taken up, body and soul, into heavenly glory.

The Feast of the Assumption is a celebration of Mary's unique role in salvation history and her special place in the life of the Church. As the Mother of God, she was preserved from sin and death, and shares in the glorification of her Son. The Assumption points to the promise of the resurrection of the body for all of us at the end of time.

This feast is a holy day of obligation, meaning Catholics are required to attend Mass on this day. It is a time to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Savior, and to reflect on the promise of eternal life. Through the intercession of the Blessed Mother, may we too be granted the grace of a happy death and the hope of joining her in Heaven.

Louisa Mastromarino is the CEO of Holistic Consortium, LLC, a distant holistic and life coaching practice worldwide. Louisa is a Licensed Spiritual Health Coach, Licensed Ecclesiastical Health Practitioner, and Clinical Hypnotherapist, and certified counselor educator. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications, a Master of Science Degree in School Counseling, and a post master’s degree in Supervision and Educational Leadership.  She is also certified in Intuitive Consulting, Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, Esoteric Healing, Matrix Energetic and a host of holistic programs. Louisa is the author of Spifford Max and the Cycle Pups Go to Washington, D.C., Spifford Max and the Cycle Pups Go to New York City, Spifford Max and the Cycle Pups Go to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Brizzley Bear Loves Poetry and additional publications.  Louisa's work has been highlighted in the noted publications Careers from the Kitchen Table by Raven Blair Davis and Miracles in the Divine by Beverly Pokorski. Louisa is also an intuitive artist and writer with works found at Please email Louisa at to schedule a private holistic or life coaching session.

Thank you.

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