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Writer's pictureLouisa Mastromarino

Uncovering the Origins of Hanukkah: A Festival of Lights

Updated: Jul 23

Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, is an important holiday celebrated by Jewish communities worldwide. Spanning eight days and nights, this festival commemorates the miraculous events that took place in ancient Jerusalem over 2,000 years ago. In this blog post, we will delve into the origins of Hanukkah, shedding light on its historical significance and traditional customs.

The Historical Context

The origins of Hanukkah can be traced back to the second century BCE, during the time when Judea was under the rule of the Seleucid Empire. The Seleucid King Antiochus IV enacted a series of oppressive measures aimed at suppressing Jewish religious practices, enforcing Hellenistic culture, and desecrating the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

The Maccabean Revolt

The Maccabean Revolt, led by a Jewish priest named Mattathias and his sons, played a pivotal role in the history of Hanukkah. Fueled by a desire for religious freedom, they initiated a guerrilla warfare campaign against the Seleucid forces, leading to a long and arduous conflict.

The Miracle of the Oil

Upon reclaiming the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, the Jews sought to rededicate it to their religious practices. As they prepared for the sacred ceremony, they discovered that only a single flask of pure oil, enough for one day, remained to light the menorah (a seven-branched candelabrum).

A miracle unfolded when this small quantity of oil miraculously burned for eight consecutive days, allowing the Jews to complete the rededication of the Holy Temple. This miraculous event became the cornerstone of the Festival of Lights – Hanukkah.

The Hanukkah Traditions

1. Lighting the Menorah: The Hanukkah menorah, also known as a hanukkiah, has nine branches to mark the eight nights of celebration and the shamash, or "helper" candle, used to light the others. Each night of Hanukkah, an additional candle is lit, starting from right to left.

2. Playing Dreidel: The dreidel, a four-sided spinning top, is a popular game played during Hanukkah. Each side of the dreidel bears a Hebrew letter representing the phrase, "A Great Miracle Happened There." Players use coins or candy as wagers, making the game enjoyable for all ages.

3. Eating Fried Foods: In celebration of the miracle of the oil, traditional Hanukkah dishes are often fried. Latkes, delicious potato pancakes, and sufganiyot, jelly-filled doughnuts, are popular treats enjoyed during this festival.

4. Giving and Receiving Gifts: Gift-giving is an integral part of Hanukkah, with families and friends exchanging presents throughout the festival's duration. This tradition symbolizes the joy and gratitude experienced during this time of celebration.

Hanukkah is a festival steeped in history and tradition. By honoring the heroism of the Maccabees, commemorating the miracle of the oil, and observing the festival's customs, Jewish communities globally come together to celebrate their rich heritage and the enduring spirit of freedom and faith. As the menorah illuminates homes, casting away darkness, Hanukkah serves as a reminder of hope, resilience, and the power of miracles.


My Jewish Learning. (n.d.). Hanukkah. Retrieved from

Hanukkah: Stories, Traditions and Origins

Louisa Mastromarino is the CEO of Holistic Consortium, LLC, a distant holistic and life coaching practice worldwide. Louisa is a Licensed Spiritual Health Coach, Licensed Ecclesiastical Health Practitioner, and certified counselor educator. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications, a Master of Science Degree in School Counseling, and a post master’s degree in Supervision and Educational Leadership.  She is also certified in Intuitive Consulting, Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, Esoteric Healing, Matrix Energetic and a host of holistic programs. Louisa is the author of Spifford Max and the Cycle Pups Go to Washington, D.C., Spifford Max and the Cycle Pups Go to New York City, Spifford Max and the Cycle Pups Go to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Brizzley Bear Loves Poetry and additional publications.  Louisa's work has been highlighted in the noted publications Careers from the Kitchen Table by Raven Blair Davis and Miracles in the Divine by Beverly Pokorski. Louisa is also an intuitive artist and writer with works found at Please email Louisa at to schedule a private holistic or spiritual life coaching session. Thank you.

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