Past life coaching is a holistic program that aims to uncover experiences from previous lives through the art of spiritual communication. Recent research suggests that Past Life Coaching and other formats of past life work may offer insights into personal development.
Dr. Brian Weiss, a prominent psychiatrist, has detailed his experiences with this technique in "Many Lives, Many Masters" (1988) where he chronicles his work with patients who uncovered past-life traumas that mirrored their present struggles. His past life protocol sessions typically help clients access memories of former lives, which he directs can aid in resolving current psychological issues.
Furthermore, the experiences reported by individuals undergoing past life work often align with various cultural and historical contexts, suggesting a deeper exploration of consciousness. Researchers like Stevenson (2007) have documented cases where subjects recount life experiences that seemingly correspond to historical figures, challenging the boundaries of conventional understanding.
Though empirical research on past life programs is limited, its value as a holistic tool is acknowledged by some practitioners in holistic psychology (Briggs & Norrie, 2021). Critics argue the subjective nature of such experiences calls into question their validity. However, proponents maintain that the psychological benefits often achieved warrant further exploration.
As research evolves, the dialogue between science and spirituality continues to deepen. Understanding the psychological mechanisms behind past life work invites a broader examination of consciousness and memory. The exploration of past life work within a scientific context opens intriguing avenues for promoting further understanding of human psychology and emotional wellness.
Louisa Mastromarino is a certified counselor educator, certified psychic medium, and certified intuitive consultant. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications, a Master of Science Degree in School Counseling, and a post master’s degree in Supervision and Educational Leadership. Louisa is the author of Spifford Max and the Cycle Pups Go to Washington, D.C., Spifford Max and the Cycle Pups Go to New York City, Spifford Max and the Cycle Pups Go to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Brizzley Bear Loves Poetry and additional publications. Louisa's work has been highlighted in the noted publications Careers from the Kitchen Table by Raven Blair Davis and Miracles in the Divine by Beverly Pokorski. For distant appointments in spiritual coaching, psychic readings, or energy medicine email Thank you.
Briggs, A., & Norrie, A. (2021). Holistic Approaches to Mental Health: An Exploration of Life Beyond Therapy. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 31(2), 115-129.
Stevenson, I. (2007). Children who remember previous lives: A question of reincarnation. University Press of Virginia.
Weiss, B. (1988). Many Lives, Many Masters. Blue Dolphin Publishing.